Connection to the ScanSnap Cannot be Established during Setup

Causes and solutions for when connection to the ScanSnap cannot be established during the ScanSnap Cloud application setup are explained below.

The issue may be caused by the following:

  1. The ScanSnap is turned off.

  2. The Wi-Fi switch on the ScanSnap is off.

  3. The ScanSnap has already been used by other devices.

  4. The [Scan] button is not held down long enough.

  5. After failing to establish a connection with the ScanSnap, you tried to setup the connection again with the ScanSnap turned on.


Perform the following solutions.

  1. Turn on the ScanSnap.

  2. Turn on the Wi-Fi switch on the ScanSnap.

  3. Make sure that the ScanSnap is not being used by other devices.

  4. Hold down the [Scan] button on the ScanSnap until the Wi-Fi indicator flashes in orange.

  5. If establishing a connection with the ScanSnap fails, perform the following:

    1. Close the ADF paper chute (cover) which turns off the ScanSnap.

    2. Check that the mobile device is connected to a wireless access point which is to be set for the ScanSnap.

    3. Set up the ScanSnap again.