Did Not Receive an E-mail with a Confirmation Code.

Causes and solutions for when an e-mail with a confirmation code is not received when creating a ScanSnap Cloud service account are explained in this section.

The issue may be caused by the following:

  • The e-mail address specified for the account name is incorrect.

  • Your mobile device is set not to receive e-mails from the domain "@mail.cloud.scansnap.com".

  • The e-mail has been received but is recognized as spam mail.


Check the following items:

  • When the e-mail address specified for the account name is incorrect

    Go back to the window for entering an account name and specify the correct e-mail address.

  • When your mobile device is set not to receive e-mails from the domain "@mail.cloud.scansnap.com"

    An e-mail with a confirmation code is sent from the domain "@mail.cloud.scansnap.com". Change your setting to allow e-mails from this domain.

  • If none of the above applies to you

    Check whether the e-mail is in the spam inbox.