Deleting a Photo Image in the [List of Photos] Screen (in Editing Mode)

A photo image of a document that was taken with the ScanSnap Cloud application's camera function can be deleted in editing mode of the [List of Photos] screen.
  1. Tap the thumbnail in the lower left of the photo-taking mode screen.

    The photo images are shown in the list on the [List of Photos] screen.

  2. Tap [Edit] in the upper right of the [List of photos] screen.

    The [List of Photos] screen enters editing mode.

  3. Tap Delete for the image that you want to delete.

    The [Delete] button appears.

  4. Tap the [Delete] button.

    The image is deleted from the [List of Photos] screen.

  5. Tap [Finish].

    The editing mode of the [List of Photos] finishes.