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Q & A : rack2s022

Q Why doesn't the manual update start?


V1.0L23 is required for Rack2-Filer Smart to be updated to V1.0L24 or later. The following message will appear when you attempt to manually install the update patch V1.0L24 or later for V1.0L22 or earlier where V1.0L23 update patch is not applied.


For V1.0L22 users or users with earlier versions, first run the following Rack2-Filer Smart V1.0 Update (V1.0L23), and then perform updates to L24 or later.

Rack2-Filer Smart V1.0 Update ( V1.0L23 corrected version )

Download "Rack2-Filer Smart V1.0 Update (V1.0L23)" by clicking and selecting

Rack2SmartV10L23wwup.exe (416MB)

[Points to be Checked Before Installation]

  • Download Rack2SmartV10L23wwup.exe.
  • If a dialog that confirms how to handle the file appears, select [Save].
  • * In this case, make a note of the location in which Rack2SmartV10L23wwup.exe is saved.
  • Copy Rack2SmartV10L23wwup.exe to the computer to which the modifications are to be applied.


  • Log on to Windows® as a user with Administrators rights (administrative rights for the computer).
  • Exit all of the applications before running Rack2SmartV10L23wwup.exe.
  • Run Rack2SmartV10L23wwup.exe.
    Refer to Installation Procedure for the procedure to use when running the file.

No. : rack2s022